Annye Rothenberg, Ph.D., is a San Francisco Bay Area child/parent psychologist and an adjunct clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine. In addition to her parenting psychology practice in Emerald Hills, CA, which focuses on babies to ten-year-olds. She gives seminars to parents and also to pediatricians, teachers and other professionals who work with children and guide parents. Dr. Rothenberg  has more than 25 years of experience as a parenting psychologist and, of course, as a parent. She’s the author of Parentmaking and the Parentmaking Educators Training Program manual and videos to train those who teach parenting classes.

Through Perfecting Parenting Press, she is publishing a unique series of books on common childrearing issues such as how much say young children should have and how to get children to listen, as well as books on eating and toileting, making friends and getting ready for kindergarten. These are all-in-one books with colorful, humorous stories for young children and comprehensive manuals for parents.

The first six books available are for preschoolers and their parents: Mommy and Daddy Are Always Supposed to Say Yes … Aren't They?, Why Do I Have To?, I Like To Eat Treats, I Don't Want To Go To The Toilet, I Want To Make Friends, and I'm Getting Ready For Kindergarten. Besides their importance to parents and young children, they will be valuable to those who guide today's parents – pediatricians, preschool and kindergarten teachers, parent educators, nurses, mental health professionals, speech and occupational therapists, pediatric dietitians, and children's librarians. The books' cutting-edge advice will enhance professionals' knowledge, giving them very practical tools to use in working with parents and young children.

Dr. Rothenberg's new series is for elementary school children and their parents. The first in this series is Why Can't I Be The Boss of Me? The second book is Mom and Dad Are Always So Busy. Each book has a story for children and comprehensive guidance for parents as well.

Perfecting Parenting Press ©2019